Monkey Business in the park

Monkey Business III

Friends of Balsall Heath Park

Why Monkey Business?

The name refers to the 'monkey' steps leading up
from Birchwood Road to Birchwood Crescent.
Folk lore has it that in the early 1900's an organ grinder who had a monkey entertained local people passing up and down the steps.

Myth or no, The name Monkey Business has caught on and people recognise the name.

Friends of Balsall Heath Park are a group of local residents who recognise Balsall Heath Park is an important and valuable resource for local people.

Their aim is to help make  the park a more attractive, welcoming and safe place for all.

In the ancient Aztec civilisation there was a monkey festival with fun, games and dancing. 
Ozomatli, the Astec monkey (below) was also known as a symbol of the summer, The Flower Prince - god of flowers and plants, and was associated with lovers.

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In 1999 Friends of Balsall Heath Park organised the first Monkey Business in the Park as a summer event open to local people to come and enjoy themselves in the park